Travel Essentials

Most people hate packing… I am not one of those people. If I’m packing it means I’m going somewhere. This week I have been packing because we leave for vacation tomorrow morning! It’s the longest our son has ever had to ride in his car seat, and he has never been a huge fan of riding for long periods of time. Despite that, I am excited to make some great memories this next week!

Here are some of my travel essentials: (As an amazon associate, I earn on qualifying purchases)

One thing I have learned in going any distance with a toddler is to have PLENTY of snacks. This trunk organizer that has 3 compartments. One compartment is an insulated cooler so we can keep any cold snacks and drinks from getting too warm!

One thing that I can live without when we travel is my pillow. However, my husband will not sleep anywhere without his. Especially since he got this adjustable pillow from amazon.

This is the first big trip we have taken since our son doesn’t sleep in a pack n play anymore. While I know he would love nothing more than to sleep in our bed the whole trip, I would definitely prefer it if he didn’t. So, we are going to try this travel toddler bed and hope that he sleeps in it!

If I am honest, I am still learning. Each trip poses new challenges I am trying to find a way to resolve for the next one.

If you have any tips on road trips with a toddler comment below and share them please! I will take all the tips and tricks I can!


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