Making Time for Mom

Finding time for yourself as a mom is a job in itself. Every one of us are in different stages of motherhood. You may be working 40 hours a week so you spend every minute you can with your children after work. Maybe you have a baby or a toddler, or both, and you are in full mom mode 24/7. Some of you may have kids that just started back to school. It varies between all of us. We try to find time for ourselves but sometimes our kids get sick. Maybe the baby is teething, so they are clingy, and it doesn’t feel right to leave them for a few hours.

It’s really easy to consider our quick trips to town to run a few errands a break. Don’t get me wrong, I have been in a season of life where I romanticize those quick trips by adding a quick stop at the coffee shop so I can drink a caramel macchiato while listening to my favorite podcast. Making time for ourselves doesn’t always mean getting a massage, a pedicure, spending the day shopping, or going to sit at the library to read our favorite book for a few hours. One thing that I have learned is no matter what that time looks like, it makes me a better mom when I take it, whether it’s 1 hour or 4.

Let’s be honest… Being a mom is going out to buy something for yourself only to come home with new toys or clothes for your children. My mom always put our needs first, and I realized just how much once I became a mom. It makes me appreciate her sacrifices even more now. We make sure our children are bathed, fed, and cared for first. That is our role. It is an incredible, amazing, exhausting, overwhelming, awesome role we don’t take lightly.

So, mamas, here is your reminder to take time for yourself this week. Go grab a coffee and turn on music or a podcast in your car while you wait on your grocery pick up order. If you need to schedule a few hours to sit and ignore the housework before you pick up your kids from school, do it. YOU DESERVE IT.

You are an AMAZING mama to your babies!


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