7 Date Night Ideas

Maybe it’s just us but finding time for date night is really hard once you have a kid. Not to mention when we try to make it a priority it looks different than it did in the first 3 years of our marriage. I finally decided we would just have to put date night on the calendar to make it happen. At the beginning of 2023 I made a list of date night ideas so if we ever get stuck in a rut we can choose something off that list. I thought I would share some of them with you!

#1 - Dinner and a movie! Since becoming parents, it’s not always easy to have time for both dinner, and a movie out. Which is why sometimes we go eat at a restaurant, pick up our sweet boy, and watch a movie at home after he goes to bed.

#2 - Take out and games! One of my love languages is quality time so playing games at home in our pajamas and eating our favorite take out is my favorite! I prefer board games and my husband prefers videogames. We either alternate or will play one of each!

I will leave links to our favorite games at the bottom of the page!

#3 - Coffee downtown. On rare occasions when our son is with his grandparents overnight, we like to go to the coffee shop downtown and then shop the farmers market on Saturday morning.

#4 - Flea Markets and lunch. We just recently started flea marketing again because I forgot how much fun it was. It’s always so neat to walk through together and find treasures or things that makes us reminisce about our childhood. This fall we are hoping to visit some flea markets in other towns close to us!

#5 - Golf. My husband just recently got into golfing and loves it! I may not be much of a golfer, but since he does so much that I want to do, it’s fun to go together just to spend quality time together. It’s even more fun to make it a double date!

#6 - Shop for your spouse. This particular idea was one I came up with while we were out of town shopping one day. Each person comes up with 5 things to buy for the other: favorite snack, favorite drink, something that is their favorite color, something that makes you think of them, and something to do together. We had so much fun!

#7 - Try a new recipe together. Now, I am not all for cooking together because I don’t do well having to share space in our small kitchen but we came up with an agreement. One person cooks, while the other cleans up. It can be a dessert, homemade bread, an entire meal, whatever you choose! No television, no phones, just the two of you in the kitchen preparing something together.

We have learned that date night doesn’t always have to be fancy or expensive. There are times that we opt for a more budget friendly option for date night, and that’s okay! We try to make it a priority because working on our marriage is important to us. So whether it’s romanticizing the evening after the kids are in bed, or taking a walk together after you cook at home, just put in the effort. It’s so worth it. And it’s FUN!

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Our favorite Nintendo Switch games:

Mario Kart

Mario Party

Jackbox Party Games

Let me know in the comments what your favorite date night is for you and your spouse!


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