In The Waiting

This season of life we are in requires A LOT of waiting. More waiting than I care for. Today I was thinking about all the things that we “wait” on as moms.

We wait for the coffee to get done so we can have the morning jolt it offers.

We wait for the dishwasher to get done so we can empty it and fill it back up.

We wait for the washer to finish so we can put clothes in the dryer and start yet another load.

We wait for dinner to finish cooking to feed our family.

We wait to carry a baby and then we wait a long 9 months for that baby to be born.

Some wait in the school pick up line.

If you are like me, you wait and count down the hours until your spouse comes home.

Maybe you wait for bedtime because you desperately need those few moments after to yourself.

More than that, I find myself waiting for prayers to get answered because I am human and they don’t always get answered in my time.

I saw a quote one time that said “sometimes it isn’t about the answer to the prayer; sometimes it is more about what you learn while you’re waiting for the answer.” The lessons aren’t always easy. I’ve heard many times that when we are talking to God about something, and we are looking for an answer, we have to stop talking long enough to listen to His response.

So my prayer is that we would all take the time to stop and listen to God, so we don’t miss what He may be saying to us in this season.

You are loved, friend.

God is working in your waiting.

Listing the absolute best book I have ever read on “waiting.”

*as an amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

God Has a Waiting Room by Kim Haney


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