
Amelia Island

Traveling with a 2 month old did a number on my nerves, but I have to say our baby boy did SO good! From flying to exploring, he was such a good baby.

First airplane ride,

First time seeing the ocean,

First trip to SeaWorld,

First time at Gigi and Pop’s house,

And, first family vacation!

It was my first time on a plane and going to SeaWorld so it was pretty amazing getting to share that experience with my boy.

When we discussed flying with a 2 month old I thought we were crazy, but everyone told me that flying with kids was super easy. And the fact that it cut down a 14 hour drive into a 2 hour plane ride, was a major factor. Getting through the airport with an overstimulated baby that didn’t want to ride in his stroller was probably the most difficult, and stressful, part of the trip. We checked his car seat with our bags and I held him for the duration of the flight when we traveled to Florida. It was a small space but he slept for most of the flight. When we traveled back, there happened to be an extra seat on our flight so they allowed us to take his carseat without being charged and it was SO much easier! He is used to riding in a car seat, so he slept the entire flight without fussing at all!

So, just a heads up to anyone that has not taken a baby to a theme park, it can be rough. Loved going to Sea World! I can cross it off my bucket list now. Will I ever take a 2 month old baby with me again? Absolutely not. He is a very hot natured baby, so if he gets hot or sweaty he gets mad. He gets it from me! We went to every gift shop in Sea World looking for a short sleeve onesie that he could wear for the day but ended up having to buy a 2t shirt. It looked like my 2 month old son was wearing a big gown, but at that point I really didn’t mind. It was big place so it was a lot of stimulation for a baby. He would get really upset and want to nurse. Finding a nursing station was a walk, and using a cover was just too hot! I definitely would not have even attempted a park like that had my parents not been with us. They were a huge help!

We spent a couple hours on the beach. We set up a tent so I could nurse him and so he was protected from the rays of the sun. He loved the sound of the waves! He was done after a couple hours and was ready to go back to Gigi and Pop’s house.

I realized that although there were parts of the trip that weren’t easy because we had a 2 month old, it was so worth it to experience so many firsts with him! He won’t remember it, but we will, and I will forever cherish our first family vacation as a family of three!

Also, small win for our household… vacation put him on a good sleeping schedule so he has been sleeping at night and taking naps during the day!

Love sharing our life with you, friends!



Airplane ride!



Sleep While Baby Sleeps


That New Mom Advice