Sleep While Baby Sleeps

Do you sleep while your baby sleeps? When I got pregnant people would tell me to just be sure to sleep when the baby sleeps. After we brought our baby home, I had people ask me if I was sleeping when the baby was sleeping. All I could think to myself was, “How do new moms get anything done if they sleep when the baby sleeps?” Yes, I am tired and running on a few hours sleep most of the time, but the idea of forgetting my list of things and snoozing stresses me out! It shouldn’t, but if my house is a mess, I am a mess. When things get done, I feel better. That, to me, is much better than sleep.

Don’t get me wrong, my husband is a great help to me, but as a homemaker there are just things that you want to do yourself! Am I the only one?

Maybe my son is just more stubborn than most, but when I do try to take a nap with him those are the times he doesn’t want to nap and is wide awake. I absolutely love cuddling, holding, and rocking my baby to sleep, but then I lay him down so I can fold laundry or take advantage of his nap so I can shower! I wish it was easy for me to say, “He’s asleep so I’m going to lay down on the couch and close my eyes for a little while.”

My husband tells me to lay down on the couch and take a nap when he gets home because he knows I am exhausted. It’s just so hard to do that when he has been at work all day. It’s hard enough spending time together now that we have a baby, so I try to take advantage of spending time with him while the baby is asleep.

Momma’s, I’ve learned that motherhood is desperately wanting a break, but not wanting to miss a single moment. So we will just continue to drink our coffee, get things done, and take care of the precious little ones that God gives us.

With love,


Let me know in the comments… Do you sleep while your baby sleeps?



