Budget Friendly Clean Baby Products

If you are like me, trying to find a way to get clean products for your baby without blowing your budget to do so, read on!

I have spent the entirety of my time as a mom researching the best products for my son that allowed me to rest easy knowing it was clean but also staying within a tight budget. It was so frustrating that I couldn’t give my child any relief because most products are not safe for babies under the age of 2 and most over the counter products had side effects. To say I was excited when I found Hyland’s Naturals is an understatement! With a baby that started teething at 2 months it was so nice to find a product I could give him to provide some relief before I resorted to over-the-counter medication.

These are the Hyland’s products I try to always have on hand:

Oral Tablets/Soothing Gel - There is a daytime and a nighttime offered. They are great for teething!

Cold Tablets - You can start using these at 6 months for cold symptoms.

Cough and Immune Liquid - A great cough syrup they can have when they turn one.

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Now when it came to soap, lotion, sunscreen, and diaper cream I got really overwhelmed! Especially having a child with very sensitive skin. I decided to explore some budget friendly options that didn’t break the bank since it was products I would use daily on my child. We found Hello Bello! The first product we bought was the diaper cream because we were traveling and forgot his at home and we have used it since. It led me to look into the other products. Here are the ones we are currently using:

There are other products the brand offers that we have not tried yet but I’m sure we will in the future.

Let me end by saying that I have nothing against over the counter medications or any other baby products if that’s what you choose to use. My child takes over the counter meds when necessary. I’m only sharing this as a mom that has a child with sensitive skin so I’ve learned along the way how important clean products are in our home.

Comment your favorite baby products below!


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