Trying Something New

If you are a mom, then you will know what I mean when I say that motherhood does not always look like what you imagined. Every time you think you have tackled one stage of motherhood, then another stage rears its head. Sleep deprivation, teething, growth spurts, milestones, the list goes on. Don’t get me wrong, it is well worth it. I still can’t believe God chose me to raise a tiny human but at the end of the day, good or bad, when I put my baby boy to sleep, the night washes away all the hard stuff from the day and I am so grateful I get to be his momma.

I love being a stay-at-home mom, but it is easy to feel stuck or discontent. There are moments of laughter, tears, and overwhelm. I have decided my mom brain needs a creative outlet that will benefit my family. Now I don’t see myself as a creative person, but my husband seems to think this will benefit you and I both, so let’s give it a try! My goal is to be real and share all of those with you so you don’t feel alone if you are in that season yourself.


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