This Mama Loves Oils

If you have not tried essential oils, you are missing out on amazing benefits! I have used them for quite a few years now thanks to my mom, but I never realized how helpful they would be when I became a mom. I will list a few of them specifically that I have used since having my son.

Lavender- I use lavender for everything! In the diffuser, on bug bites, when his eczema acts up, a few drops in his bath, and even add a few drops to his lotion.

DiGize/Tummygize- This is an oil that I have kept in the diaper bag from week one! My son had a very sensitive stomach as a baby so I used the Tummygize roller because it was already diluted. As he got older I started using straight DiGize around his belly button and he had relief within seconds! I will never NOT carry this oil!

Sniffleease- This one is also part of the baby line so it is diluted already. I apply it to his chest and his feet when he gets stuffy or congested. I also diffused it when he had RSV. Anytime I notice his sinuses acting we start applying it and diffusing it.

Peace and Calming- This one had to be diluted to be used on him as a baby, but I like to put it on myself when I am anxious! I put it on my chest and the back of my neck the first time I had to go through an airport with him and since I was carrying him he was able to smell it. It helped my anxiety but also calmed him down while I was carrying him. Now that he’s older its a great one to diffuse in his room!

Copaiba- WOW! Best thing for teething! I had no idea my baby would start teething between 2 and 3 months but he did and rubbing copaiba on his gums gave him immediate relief. It’s a mild oil so it doesn’t have to be diluted like the others. I love that I have a natural product I can put on his gums rather than buying a tube of baby orajel from the store. We also combined it with lavender in a roller and rolled it on his jawline for some relief when he was working on his back teeth.

There are many others, but these have been our staples! They have a lot of oils in the Seedlings line, which is already diluted for babies. I use other oils on him and just dilute them myself. It’s 30 drops of carrier oil to 1 drop of essential oil, so it is plenty diluted for a baby’s skin. Frankincense was one I diluted when he had RSV to put on his chest, back, and feet once a day during his worst days while he was sick.

If you want to learn more or see all the products offered just click on the box under the picture at the top of this page!

I also keep a stock of these glass roller bottles and glass spray bottles from Amazon to make pillow spray, room spray, rollers with his teething oils, etc.

*As an amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

I love Young Living because I know their products have absolutely no chemicals in them, and are 100% safe! For example, I didn’t get the YL sunscreen when we went to FL and we had to buy the infant sunscreen they sold in SeaWorld. He started breaking out within seconds of me applying that sunscreen to his skin. It just showed me how important keeping those chemicals off of his skin is and I love that I have this option for him!

Check out my post on Budget Friendly Clean Baby Products for more!


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