10 Questions I Asked My Spouse

The one thing we have always enjoyed about traveling together whether it was a couple hours or a long trip, was the time to connect without any distractions. Since we had lots of driving to do on our way to Florida, we decided to do just that but make it fun. I threw together 10 questions for each of us to answer. I’ll be sharing his answers today just for fun!

Question #1: What is your favorite memory of us?

“Our trip to Amelia Island when we went for a late night walk on the beach and talked.” (I love that this is a core memory for him, because it was for me too!)

Question #2: If we could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you want to go?

“Italy, Greece… basically the Mediterranean because there is so many places there to see.”

Question #3: What is my idea of a perfect date?

“Your idea of a perfect date would be a fancy dinner, followed by a stop at a coffee shop, then you would want to go home and play a bunch of board games.” (He knows me well)

Question #4: What is the best gift I have ever given you?

“You… and the Andar Wallet you gave me for Christmas.” (Trying to score brownie points)

Question #5: If I was famous, what would I be famous for?

“Reading books, making coffee… guilt tripping me, and making me get up to get something as soon as I sit down.” (We had a good laugh at that one. To be fair, it’s just a wife thing. Haha!)

Question #6: What is your favorite way to spend time with our son?

“Playing ball because that is his favorite game… and aggravating you by throwing the balls at things. Also, building with Legos.” (At least he is honest)

Question #7: What are my top three must haves in our dream home?

“You want a large master suite with a big bathroom, a large dining area because you haven’t had that yet, and a large kitchen so you have space for everything. And if you had no budget and could add whatever you wanted you would add a big library.” (As far as practicality goes, he is spot on. And I have always dreamed of a Beauty and the Beast kind of library. A girl can dream)

Question #8: Where do you see our family in 5 years?

“Living in the same house but with one more kid.”

Question #9: If we owned a vacation home, where would it be?

“Amelia Island, on the beach!”

Question #10: What are my three favorite meals?

“Your dad’s lasagna, tacos, and your mom and nana’s chili verde.”

Okay, so I spared you some of his commentary because he had too much fun with some of his answers, but I did eventually get the real answer out of him. We laughed and reminisced while answering these together. While some of his answers were cheesy and silly, a lot of them showed me how much he pays attention when he wants to. Haha!

It is so easy to feel like we are roommates in this season of marriage but I am reminded that there are many ways to connect with your spouse when you are in a busy, passing season.

Ask your spouse some of the questions and let it spark a conversation about your life together. You don’t have to wait until you take a trip. We are already working on new questions to ask one another periodically that we want to implement into our date nights.


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