What I’m Loving Lately


We are in a different season of life right now. God has given me such a peace for this season! As I was reflecting on things the other day I got to thinking about all the things in life right now that I might take for granted but that I love and appreciate the simplicity of. So for fun I thought I would share some things with you.

1. Mornings with my toddler… Since our son turned 2 his new thing is waking up and getting right in our face to tell us hi and share all the things he has planned for the day. Well, that’s what we assume he’s telling us. Ha! As a mom coming out of a rough season of motherhood, I love waking up to his sweet voice excited to start the day! As long as I make sure he gets some food in his belly pretty quick, our mornings are pretty happy!

2. Every morning for the last few weeks I have started with Psalms 91. I love the entire chapter. Some mornings I sit and read it while drinking my coffee, other mornings I listen to it. Not only do I love the verses, but it prepares my mind for when fear or anxiety tries to creep in throughout the day! It’s a great chapter to read at night before going to sleep as well!


3. Speaking of coffee… if you have followed my blog for any time at all you know how much I LOVE coffee. I have solely transitioned to oat milk for my coffee all the time now, rather than just on occasion. I love the taste and the flavor it brings out in my morning lattes! It started as a way to avoid dairy but it became a favorite for me! If you haven’t tried it, I recommend requesting it next time you go to a coffee shop just to see how good it is!

4. My favorite Nespresso Pods right now are the Equine Coffee brand! They are smooth and the perfect intensity for me and my morning lattes!

5. I am loving my Apple Pen. I know it sounds silly, but I have never wanted to use digital products because I love writing with a pen on paper. My husband laughs but it’s true! So when I tried out the Apple Pen I did not expect to love it so much but I definitely use it every day and feel like I’m writing in a notebook!

6. If you want a good song to worship to, I recommend “Anything Is Possible” by Bethel Music. It has been on repeat in our house and in the car!

7. My favorite cozy items these last few weeks have been my heated throw from my hubby and my slippers I found when I was out of town last month. I love laying the throw on the bed and turning it on high so I can lay on it! The slippers just keep my comfortable and protect my feet from any Legos or crumbs from my toddler. Haha!


8. I LOVE my essential oils. Lately though, the Aroma Life and the Calming oil’s have been my go to. Both are great when I get tension headaches and anxious. They smell amazing!

9. The other thing that I have LOVED these last couple weeks, has been all the pumpkins! I love seeing pumpkins this time of year! This year I have 2 on my front porch and lots in the house that my toddler moves around daily. They make him happy and they make momma happy!

Comment below and share one thing that you have been loving lately!

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Cream of Chicken


My Toddler’s “Chores”