Toddler Valentine Activities & Crafts


I don’t do many “Pinterest” crafts with my toddler. It used to be easy for me to feel guilty about not doing all the things for every holiday. Then I realized that a toddler loves anything that’s new to them. It doesn’t have to be Pinterest worthy. It doesn’t have to look perfect. If they are having fun, then it works! When I realized I wanted some things for my son to do for Valentines Day, I took him to Hobby Lobby and let him choose some cheap Valentines Day themed things like stickers, foam packs, the metal heart container below, and heart molds. It can even be as easy as getting red or pink paper and drawing on it. Like I said, it can be SO simple.

This is so easy, simple, and fun for your child to decorate and use for whatever they choose.

I bought the heart tin for less than $3 and the stickers for $3 for all the packs I bought. My son chose to put his rocks from his dino sensory bin inside, but he has also used it for his crayons. He loved getting to put the stickers on and make it his own.


Doing the hot cocoa sensory again but using a fun, cheap silicone hearts mold! You could even use the metal heart tin pictured above to put the cocoa pebbles and marshmallows in.

This was a first with the paint for us. Well worth it though! I wanted to do some other things with the paint, but he was so excited to use it for the first time I let him finger paint for a few minutes.

Do you have any crafts you are doing for Valentines Day? I’d love for you to share in the comments!

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