The BEST Homemade Chicken Quesadilla


I’m going to save you from having to scroll past everything and give you the recipe up front!

I am really bad about not eating until dinner because I am not a huge breakfast person. Then lunch time rolls around and I’m starving but only snack unless I have some leftovers in the fridge I am looking forward to. Obviously, I realize this is not healthy and I need to do better but that’s when I decided to find something easy to make that I love and would look forward to eating.

My favorite restaurant in town is Taco Taco. I love their quesadilla but I can’t get it anywhere else. I get to point at everything I want on it and how much. The problem is that it is $15, and I obviously can’t spend that amount every single day. Turns out though, that it’s pretty simple to make at home and takes no time at all!

My favorite thing about them, aside from how delish they are, is that you can make a few mini ones or one big one! I typically just use whatever tortilla shells I happen to have in my pantry. Don’t use regular cheddar cheese. Trust me, the white American cheese makes all the difference!

You will not see measurements because I typically eyeball everything. My husband prefers everything measured, so cooking together is fun. Ha!

Let me also say, my toddler loves this meal!! The mini ones are perfect for him.

I hope you give them a try!

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