To The Momma’s Raising Boys

Boys are loud.

Boys are messy.

Boys unlock new fears in us mothers.

You will step on Legos;

get hit by flying objects;

have to buy every kind of ball that is made;

be roared at, loudly, every minute or so;

and you are probably going to be wiping pee off the bathroom wall a lot.

But they are little boys we are raising to be great men.

Raise them to be the one that asks the lonely kid to play.

Raise them to hold the door for people.

Raise them to do the right thing even when the world is telling them not to.

Raise them to love Jesus more than they love sports.

Raise them to worship Jesus unashamed.
They can test your patience, run you ragged,

and make you want to pull your hair out.

But they will melt your heart and make you wonder how you could deserve such a beautiful gift.

Boy moms, we were made for this.

For as long as I can remember, before I was married and trying for a baby, I wanted to be a girl mom! I just didn’t think I had it in me to be a boy mom. Maybe it was because I was such a girly girl growing up, or maybe it’s because I didn’t want to be a sports mom. When it took a year of trying, I knew I would be happy regardless of the outcome.

I wish I could explain my excitement when I heard my doctor tell us it was a boy. All of a sudden, every fear of being a boy mom was gone and I couldn’t wait to be a boy momma! I was on Pinterest by the time we walked out to the car. Haha! In that moment, all I knew was regardless of how girly I was, I would be his number one fan and be there every step of the way.

I thought I wanted to raise my children close in age at the same time. This year, after 3 losses, I realize that while I won’t get to see three of my babies this side of Heaven, I have been blessed with the privilege of enjoying the childhood of the boy that made me a momma. I get to soak up every snuggle, hug, kiss, laugh, library day, movie night, shared coffee, and “momma hold my hand.” I wouldn’t trade the dirt or sticky messes for anything! My only prayer is that God grants me the wisdom to raise a great man from the little boy He has entrusted to me.

Praying for strength and wisdom for all you mommas out there!


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