Baby’s 1st Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving table

Food, family, games, food, time together, and did I say food?!

It is Luke Anthony’s 1st Thanksgiving! He won’t be able to enjoy all the yummy food like we will this year, but he will be there for everyone to talk to and love on. And while he won’t really understand why this holiday is such a big deal now, I can’t wait to spend this wonderful time of year as a family of 3!

The truth is the holidays were hard last year because I thought I would be expecting or have a newborn. That is also when I told God that I wouldn’t beg Him for a baby anymore. I surrendered my desire for a baby and I chose joy instead of bitterness. I knew that God’s will was greater than my own. And I found out less than 2 months later that we were expecting our little miracle! So, this Thanksgiving I have so much to be thankful for. And I intend to soak up every single beautiful moment.


So, let’s talk TRADITIONS…

Every family has a key dish that is a must around the Thanksgiving table. Maybe your family has a game that you play while overdosing on those delicious, sugary desserts. Maybe you and a sibling rest up after the meal so you can stand in line all night for those irresistible Black Friday sales!

As for food, I am team ham instead of turkey. Give me a plate of ham with some mashed potatoes, corn, and mac and cheese (all the carbs) and I am one happy girl! Now since marrying my husband, chicken and dumplings are a staple for them at Thanksgiving. If you haven’t had the Young or Morgan batch of dumplings, you are missing out! And there is nothing better than storage containers of yummy leftovers!

Since my husband and I got married, we enjoy the 4-day weekend together at home after spending Thanksgiving Day with the family. We bring the air mattress into our living room, turn on the fireplace, bake something yummy, and watch movies. Of course, with a 2-month-old this year, the couch will probably have to do rather than the air mattress. We always put up our Christmas décor together, but we did that early this year!

It’s such a special time of year and I pray you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your loved ones!

Tell me in the comments, what is your favorite Thanksgiving dish?

With love,



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