10 Day Relationship Challenge


Sometimes when we go through a season of marriage that feels like we are roommates passing by, we like to check in. For us that means finding time between a toddler that doesn’t sleep and working. It doesn’t always get brought up organically. It could be after a disagreement, a conversation that happens during a long car ride, or one of us finally craves the connection enough to bring it up and say, “hey, let’s fix this.”

I whole-heartedly believe that marriage is a two way street and that it’s a choice you make every day to love your spouse. However, I also believe that there will be days that it doesn’t look 50/50 because sometimes we have to show up and give 90 when our spouse can only give 10. It means doing things because you love them, not to get something in return. Marriage is not a competition.

Full transparency… this season looks different than any in the 5 years we have been married. After our impromptu date night the other day, and appreciating the time we were sharing together, I came up with this challenge I want to do. Of course, most of the things I come up with my sweet husband only half agrees to knowing full well he will participate because I ask him to. We made a list of goals we have for the end of October and I feel like this challenge will make us accomplish those goals because we will be doing so as a team!

10 Day Challenge

Day One: Wake up at the same time and have a quick chat over coffee.

Day Two: Spend one hour after kids bedtime completely screen free.

Day Three: Give 3 compliments to your spouse throughout the day.

Day Four: Schedule a date night that recreates your first date together.

Day Five: Make a dessert together at home that you both love!

Day Six: Do a chore for your spouse that they typically take care of all the time.

Day Seven: Ask, “What can I do today that will fill your cup?”

Day Eight: Talk about one another’s love language. Has your love language changed?

Day Nine: Play a game together, no technology.

Day Ten: Talk about the things you both loved most about the challenge and try to do those things more often moving forward!

Things you can do every day during the 10 day challenge…

  • When you start to complain, compliment instead. It may be hard in the moment but it will make a huge difference in your attitude towards one another.

  • Greet one another first when one of you gets home. It sets a tone and reminds them of their importance to you.

  • Speak words of affirmation everyday.

  • Pray for your spouse every morning before your feet hit the floor.

If you participate in the 10 day challenge let me know!

Below I want to share some resources that I have loved and highly recommend.

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Declutter and Simplify


Cream of Chicken