Feeding My Picky Toddler

I have a picky toddler that has food allergies. As a mom, I figured out in the beginning that it is really easy to feel guilty when you don’t think your child is eating what everyone else says they should be. Let me tell you, as long as they are eating, don’t beat yourself up! I will share some of the meals my toddler eats because sometimes, as momma’s, we are looking for fresh ideas!

We don’t have fancy plates but when you have a kid that likes to throw his plate in the floor, you don’t spend money on “fancy.” Ha!

Typically, breakfast is cereal with milk, yogurt and a breakfast bar, or on the weekends he loves sausage gravy and biscuits! These days, breakfast is a yogurt pouch and a Nutri-grain bar because he wakes up hungry and wanting to play and who am I to argue with that when it means I can sit and enjoy my coffee.

I always try to make sure lunch is a little more wholesome:

  • Chicken nuggets, crackers or puffs, and a fruit or vegetable. They make pouches that are fruit and vegetable blends that is a great way to sneak in his vegetables.

  • Pizza crescents and applesauce. Pizza crescents are an easy way to make mini pizzas at home that are great for a toddler that loves marinara, cheese, and pepperonis!

  • Taco salad. Obviously, for my two-year-old instead of mixing everything in a bowl, I just put everything on his plate individually. This works for beef or chicken taco salad. I always serve refried beans with his taco salad!

  • Tuna Helper. I typically make a box of macaroni and cheese and then just add a can of tuna. It was one of my childhood favorites!

  • Chicken noodles. Sometimes I will sneak in some shredded carrots. I have to buy the egg free noodles but my son loves it! It’s much healthier if you make homemade cream of chicken rather than buying the cans. Check out that recipe HERE!

Let’s be honest, sometimes feeding a toddler looks like a bowl of macaroni and cheese and an applesauce pouch. I have found that if I allow him to be involved in making his food, he eats better! One of his favorite things to make with us is homemade pizza. He loves getting to choose what toppings he gets to top it with.


If you want a great homemade pizza recipe, check out the blog post below!

Some of my toddler’s favorites!

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