Thanksgiving Traditions
The definition of “tradition” is a custom of belief that has been passed on from one generation to another.
It’s interesting to see how much Thanksgiving has changed over the years. When you are a child, you remember the food and playing games with your cousins. As you get older, you fight to sit at the grown-up table and then you get married and are blessed with more family to celebrate with.
It’s hard when you get married because you try to make everyone happy and you have two traditions you are expected to keep. We decided in the beginning that the best way to handle Thanksgiving was to alternate the holiday with both sides of the family. Rather than rushing through 2 Thanksgiving’s in one day, it’s nice to alternate so we can enjoy our time with the family when we are together. Especially since there’s distance between each family and it’s not a short drive.
I am looking forward to the holidays this year because our son is at the age where he is beginning to feel the excitement around this time of year. Having a kid makes the holidays even more special!
My husband has a 4-day weekend for the holiday, so we like to do something together during the long weekend while we have the opportunity. This year we are thinking of taking our son to see Christmas lights.
This is the first year I have been tasked with making ham for Thanksgiving, and it’s my favorite Thanksgiving entree, so let’s hope I don’t mess it up. Ha!
While Thanksgiving has changed over the years, as I get older and especially since becoming a mom, the importance of taking the time to make core memories has grown. I know my toddler might not remember some of his first few years, but I will remember them. A core memory doesn’t have to be a particularly special event, but it can be as simple as seeing all the faces seated around the table this year. It can even be as simple as helping prepare a dish.
However you may be spending Thanksgiving this year, just remember to stop and look at the people around you. Don’t forget to thank God for blessing you with those special people.
Praying blessings over you and your family!
Happy Thanksgiving!