Mom’s Love Language

Our love language describes how we receive love from others. The Five Love Languages are:

Words of Affirmation

Acts of Service

Receiving Gifts

Quality Time

Physical Touch

Since becoming a mom, I’ve noticed that my love languages have changed some. Quality time was always number one for me, but when I started taking care of a baby and losing sleep as a new mom, I began to notice that Acts of Service was appreciated much more! Lately I was thinking about all the things that we appreciate as moms, so I came up with a set of love languages that is more fitting for moms!

  • Coffee - Whether you pour me a cup, buy me a cup, gift me the beans, or gift me a mug, it will bring me joy. Thankfully, I married a coffee snob so he’s pretty good about making sure I am supplied with coffee. I love grabbing coffee with friends, sipping coffee cuddled up with a cozy blanket, or grabbing some from a coffee shop while out running errands.

  • Cleaning up toys - Is there really anything better than getting out of the shower and finding the toys cleaned up? Maybe spending what feels like forever putting a baby to sleep and walking out to all the toys picked up and being able to just sit on the couch to relax for a bit. It seems small, but to some mama’s, it’s a major help.

  • Dinner - After a long day, the last thing I want to do is cook dinner only to have to clean up dinner. Take out, dinner with friends, date nights, or even just your husband offering to cook, is such a blessing to a mom!

  • Wash dishes - Do you hate washing dishes? Even with a dishwasher I hate the loading and unloading process if it gets away from me and piles up. Then I avoid the kitchen at all costs because I can’t stand to look at the sink full of dishes. My husband is usually pretty good about helping if I ask, but it really means a lot when he does it without being asked!

  • Pampering - It could be a manicure, pedicure, shopping, or a bath and a good book. I love when my husband kindly says, “why don’t you go to town and do what you want for a couple hours” or “go take a bath.”

I’ve heard many times that you can’t pour from an empty up. That could apply to many areas of life. In motherhood, it means sometimes I need time away so that I can gather myself and breathe and come back a couple hours later to be a mom that’s not completely overwhelmed and exhausted.

Alright mama’s, what is something that you consider your love language since becoming a mom?


Gift Ideas


Would You Rather - Mom Edition