Goals and Challenges

I have tried for the past few years to avoid the word “resolution” when thinking about the new year. January 1st is a great day to start new so I decided instead of making a resolution that I quit within the first month, I can make goals I want to accomplish within 365 days.

This year, my husband and I sat down and wrote out goals for our marriage, family, and the business we started in 2023. Last year was hard, so I am looking forward to 2024 and I am excited to see what God has in store!


Goals for our marriage:

  • Date night twice per month

  • Get away overnight every other month to connect

  • Turn off all devices an hour before bed every night

    Goals for our family:

  • Grow our family

  • Take a walk as a family when the weather is nice

  • Take our toddler to the library once a week

  • Celebrate the small things

    Goals for our health:

  • Limit caffeine and sugar

  • Eat better

  • Eat out less, cook at home more


  • Read more books (or listen)

  • Listen to podcasts more

  • Include my toddler in my bible reading (even if it makes it more difficult)

  • Play worship music for background noise rather than turning on the television for background noise

  • Set a 15 minute timer for clean up every night, including switching or folding laundry

  • Have dinner or coffee with friends atleast once a month

It’s a good year to have a good year.

What are some things you want to accomplish this year? Do you have any goals? Big or small, whatever it is, you can do it! I’m believing for a great year for you!


The Housekeeper I Try to Be


2023 Truths